(USA 2014)
Titolo originale: The Best of Me
Regia: Michael Hoffman
Sceneggiatura: J. Mills Goodloe, Will Fetters
Tratto dal romanzo: Il meglio di me di Nicholas Sparks
Cast: James Marsden, Michelle Monaghan, Luke Bracey, Liana Liberato, Gerald McRaney, Sean Bridgers, Caroline Goodall, Sebastian Arcelus
Genere: sparkstico
Se ti piace guarda anche: tutti gli altri film tratti dai romanzi di Nicholas Sparks
Paese che vai, usanze che trovi. Un antico detto popolare che oggi vale applicato anche ai luoghi virtuali di Internet, come questo blog. Ogni posto ha le sue tradizioni e pure qui a Pensieri Cannibali abbiamo le nostre. Ogni paese ha la sua sagra, Pensieri Cannibali ha la sagra del Nicholas Sparks, in cui il celebre scrittore americano viene cotto a puntino.
Non passa anno in cui non esca, puntuale come il Natale, un nuovo film di Woody Allen, un nuovo di Clint Eastwood e una nuova pellicola tratta da un romanzo di Nicholas Sparks, per chi non lo sapesse una specie di incrocio tra Alessandro Manzoni e Federico Moccia in salsa americana. Quindi sentimenti cristiani misti a un romanticismo disgustoso, svariati melodrammi, intrecci da soap-opera di quelli però più noiosi che goduriosamente trash, sviluppi da libretto Harmony, una serie di banalità assortite e frasi a effetto da baci Perugina. Il tutto accompagnato da un inquietante tocco di misticismo new-age, tanto per non farsi mancare niente.
Io di film tratti dai suoi romanzi ne ho visti parecchi, visto che mi voglio male, però non li ho visti tutti tutti, visto che non mi voglio così male. Nonostante me ne manchi qualcuno e nonostante non abbia mai letto i romanzi, ma solo visto gli adattamenti cinematografici, so esattamente come funzionano e quali ingredienti sono presenti ogni volta, al punto che potrei scriverne io un libro copia e vendere milioni e milioni di copie. Perché non lo faccio?
Invece di perdere tempo a scrivere una recensione di 'sto film di merda, potrei mettermi al lavoro sul "Nicholas Sparks fac-simile project". Ho già pronte alcune idee, tipo The Bababook, il sequel horror di The Notebook; Ho cercato il tuo nonno, la versione per la terza età di Ho cercato il tuo nome, e Vicino a te ho una fottuta paura, il prequel thriller di Vicino a te non ho paura.
Le idee non mancano, devo solo pensarci ancora un po' su. Nel frattempo vi parlo dell'ultimo film di merda tratto da un suo libro di merda. Che poi non è nemmeno così terribile, se paragonato ad altre recenti opere sparkstiche. Rispetto ai recenti Ho cercato il tuo nome e Safe Haven ad esempio è un pochino meglio, sebbene per quanto mi riguarda il (relativamente) migliore resti sempre I passi dell'amore.
In ogni caso, aspettandomi già il peggio, questo The Best of Me non mi è sembrato manco troppo agghiacciande. Oddio, se ripenso al finale sto ancora male perché una porcata di chiusura del genere è un colpo basso persino per Nicholas Sparks. Eppure anche il finale me lo immaginavo già. Ho sempre considerato Sparks come il Nemico e ormai mi sono ritrovato a pensare nel suo stesso modo. Mi sento come un detective sulle tracce di un serial killer, uno di quei profiler in stile Criminal Minds o Will Graham della serie Hannibal, che dopo un po' entra in connessione totale con l'assassino cui dà la caccia.
The Best of Me è come un Best of di Nicholas Sparks. Best of? Chiamiamolo pure Worst of. C'è il racconto che si dipana su due linee temporali, presente e passato. Il passato che è ambientato negli anni '90, sebbene gli anni '90 raccontati da Sparks nell'America dei bifolchi bigotti di provincia assomiglino a quella degli anni '30 de Le pagine della nostra vita più che ai 90s grunge per come sono stati nel resto del mondo. Anche qui poi c'è un amore contrastato tra una bella, ricca, intelligente e simpatica ragazza di famiglia che si innamora senza ragioni apparenti di un povero Cristo disadattato. Uno che dicono sia tanto intelligente, però quando 'sta fanciulla gli si para davanti con le gambe praticamente spalancate e lui non si rende conto che lei ci sta provando, non diresti che è proprio così sveglio.
Una cosa non l'ho capita di questo film, oltre al fatto che non ho capito perché continui a guardarmi film tratti dai romanzi di Nicholas Sparks. Essendo una storia che si svolge su due linee temporali, i protagonisti sono interpretati da attori diversi. Lei da giovane è Liana Liberato, fanciulla con un gran bel futuro davanti, mentre da “vecchia” è Michelle Monaghan, quella di True Detective. Fino a qui tutto ok. Sembrano davvero madre e figlia e beato chi se le piglia.
La scelta dei due attori che hanno la parte del protagonista maschile Dawson (ebbene sì, si chiama proprio così) da ragazzo e da adulto non c'entrano invece una mazza l'uno con l'altro. Dawson prima è il giovane attore Luke Bracey e poi da grande diventa James Marsden. Mai visti due attori tanto diversi in uno stesso ruolo. Tra l'altro Bracey sembra la versione vecchia di Marsden, non il contrario.
La storia è quindi la tipica classica banale vicenda d'amore sparkstico. Passato e presente che si intrecciano, tante lettere, come se ci fosse ancora qualcuno che le scrive, baci sotto la pioggia che se no non sarebbe un vero film tratto da un suo romanzo e tanto, proprio tanto dolore. Nicholas Sparks ai suoi personaggi porta una sfiga che manco Shailene Woodley se si impegna. Oppure, più ancora che sfiga, il suo è proprio odio, come nemmeno Shonda Rhimes nei confronti dei poveri characters dei suoi telefilm.
Tra galera, incidenti, figli morti o moribondi, un marito alcolizzato, un padre violento (il vero idolo del film, alla facciazza dei buoni sentimenti sparkstici), un altro padre che offre al boyfriend della figlia $ 80.000 per sparire dalla sua vita e il boyfriend – bravo pirla! – li rifiuta, e chi più ne ha più ne metta, in The Best of Me ai due protagonisti succede proprio the worst. E credo di avervi detto solo una piccola parte delle sfighe che capitano loro.
"Piove! Presto, dobbiamo baciarci!" "Se no cosa succede?" "Succede che Nicholas Sparks ci fa fuori nel sonno." |
Il film, come tutti i titoli sparkstici che si rispettino, ha allora tutte le carte in regola per farsi odiare, e a tratti l'ho odiato parecchio. Se il risultato finale non è così devastante in senso negativo come mi aspettavo è per merito di un cast che se la cava bene e con cast intendo soprattutto che Michelle Monaghan + Liana Liberato riescono a rendere le due ore di visione un'agonia sopportabile. Certo però che se ripenso al finale...
Nicholas Sparks, i tuoi romanzi saranno anche la quintessenza della spiritualità e della cristianità, ma secondo me tu in realtà sei il figlio di Satana!
(voto 4,5/10)
E' sempre il solito Sparks, ma è buono proprio e a me non dispiace mai per davvero.
Ma Nicholas Sparks in realtà non è buono.
EliminaNicholas Sparks è il Male.
Proprio come il Reverendo Camden di Settimo Cielo... :)
How I Was Rescued By A God Fearing Lender (Lexieloancompany@yahoo.com)
EliminaHello, I am Andrew Thompson currently living in CT USA, God has bless me with two kids and a lovely Wife, I promise to share this Testimony because of God favor in my life, 2days ago I was in desperate need of money so I thought of having a loan then I ran into wrong hands who claimed to be loan lender not knowing he was a scam. he collected 1,500.00 USD from me and refuse to email me since then I was confuse, but God came to my rescue, one faithful day I went to church after the service I share idea with a friend and she introduce me to LEXIE LOAN COMPANY, she said she was given 98,000.00 USD by MR LEXIE , THE MANAGING DIRECTOR OF LEXIE LOAN COMPANY. So I collected his email Address , he told me the rules and regulation and I followed, then after processing of the Documents, he gave me my loan of 55,000.00 USD... So if you are interested in a loan you can as well contact him on this Email: lexieloancompany@yahoo.com or text +1(406) 946-0675 thanks, I am sure he will also help you.
EliminaGreetings to everyone, Life they say is full of deceit. No torture and pain can be compare to what i Theresa L. Bernard experience in the hands of scammers, The most annoying part of it is that someone always post of receiving a loan from them which is nothing but lies and strategy to deceive and extort hard earn money from people. I was victimize several times because of that, After reading a post about them i end up trusting them without verifying, I lost more than $12,500 in the quest of obtaining a loan i sold my car defaulted in my bills but i keep on falling victim my life was a piece of trash full of mess. My kids dropped out of school, My bank denied me credit because my credit score was down already about leaving the bank with a broken heart a staff in the bank approach me and say that there is a financial institution called UP START LOAN that say yes even when banks and other financial institution says no. She advised me to give it a try to be honest i was so skeptical leaving the bank without saying a word to her. It was a month later when my eldest son was hospitalized looking up and down nothing to pay for his hospital bill devastated and confused and then i remember what the bank staff told me and i quickly went to the bank to plead with her and inquire on how to contact UP START LOAN and she gave me the details which are Email: ( upstartloan@yahoo.com ) OR call/ text customer service through +1(574) 301-1639 . After following due procedures and comply to their policy in less than 24 hours my credit of $25,000 got approved and transfer to me. I later apply for a home and startup business loan of $350,000 which i receive and i obtain a home at 2076 Simon St, Philadelphia, PA 19124. UP START LOAN is the best. ( upstartloan@yahoo.com or text/call customer service +1(574) 301-1639. Indeed they say yes when your bank and other financial institution says no.
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EliminaI invested $35,000 worth of crypto. With a forex broker who I met online since I usually see several promos on his page, I felt he was a good one and a reliable one at that. After sending my crypto I felt a little discomfort because I realized how will I just sent such a high amount of money to a total stranger to who I know nothing of or his location, but I felt I wasn't the only one since I have seen several promos of his. So my investment was to last for three weeks firstly Then a possible renewal after my ROI, but three weeks came I expected my money the first day it never came, the second day still nothing and on the third day I reach out to them requesting for my money, but I was told they were having little problem with their sever and I was told to be patient for a week and my ROI would be sent to me, but a week past and few days I reach out to them again and. This time I got no response I tried for several days with no positive reply and eventually I was told to send some more money to my account to enable, which I did, I sent a total amount of $5000 that was what I was asked to do. Immediately again every connection was lost I cant even reach their web page anymore. I told this to a few of my friends and that was when I got the hint that it was a scam. I was highly devastated and confused I didn't know what to do. I went to the cops but they couldn't help because they had no lead on the whereabouts of the case or broker. Then I Went back online to made several research on how to retrieve cryptocurrency because I have heard a lot of times how people recovered their money but I wasn't so sure about that, I know after reading several pages I should have a little knowledge on how to go about that. And I did just that I saw several Recovery agencies and their reviews, but I decided to go for D-HACKER Group Hackers, I wasn’t too sure of them at first about Fund Retrieve, as I was still very scared to fall another victim of Scam, but base on the way people was commenting on there job well done, I decided to be on a safe side by contacting someone who commented, to know if they are real or not. Believe me it still amazes me how they went about it but am just grateful they did. So I'll advise you also to do the same, reach out to them make a formal complaint, don’t hope they will get your job done within the time given by them. and Yes there work price is reasonable, I bet you it worth it. They have helped me recovered both stolen funds from the broker scammers, and I am sure they can help you recover yours too. To save your time go straight by Email dhackersplatform@gmail.com go and get your worried solved
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EliminaQuesto commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
RispondiEliminaAh ah, l'ho visto anche io pregustandomi già la tua recensione! Mitico il genere "sparkstico", sei un grande! :-D Cmq a me questo film ha fatto più schifo degli altri di Sparks, il finale è drammaticamente banale e prevedibile fin da subito... e cmq scelta di attori maschili per interpretare il "prima" e il "dopo" veramente assurda!
RispondiEliminaIl finale è terrificante.
EliminaPerò nel mezzo la parte 90s, per quanto sia una versione sparkstica dei 90s, l'ho trovata a tratti quasi decente.
Quasi, eh. ;D
Do not be left out as the World is facing global health challenge COVID 19, Banks are shoot down etc. Take the Advantage of HACKING ATM CARD/ BANK TRANSFER/ CREDIT CARD RELOAD. The situation has giving us hands to Hack successful 100%✓guarrantee
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Ho preferito la recensione al film :D
RispondiEliminaLo prendo come un complimento.
EliminaAnche se non credo ci andasse molto per fare meglio del film. ;)
Vabeh ma questo vuol dire farsi del male!! Eccetto che per Le pagine della nostra vita, tutti gli altri film di Sparks dovrebbero essere vietati in tutti i cinema #SparksAct
RispondiEliminaInutile dirlo, ma pare anche a me una vera merda gigante. :)
RispondiEliminaOgnuno si fa del male come meglio preferisce: c'è anche chi si da martellate sui c...
RispondiEliminawhahaha che figura di me*da quello di settimo cielo XD
RispondiEliminaPer quanto riguarda il preferire le rece del Cannibale ai film stessi,è facile che capiti,perchè esse sono fantastiche!!!!
Liana&Michelle sponsor ufficiali della legge della maniglia!
Mi sono appena procurata the lucky one(ho cercato il tuo nome),spinta da un amica che conosce il mio disgraziatissimo romanticismo pescino,ti saprò dire come va in sede appropriata ;)
Secondo me il tuo giudizio è stato fin troppo buono.veramente pessimo film,con attori scelti pessimamente.E poi è vero quando erano giovani non si capisce affatto che sono gli anni 90.
RispondiEliminabuuuuuuh conati proprio
RispondiEliminaHow I Was Rescued By A God Fearing Lender (Lexieloancompany@yahoo.com)
RispondiEliminaHello, I am Andrew Thompson currently living in CT USA, God has bless me with two kids and a lovely Wife, I promise to share this Testimony because of God favor in my life, 2days ago I was in desperate need of money so I thought of having a loan then I ran into wrong hands who claimed to be loan lender not knowing he was a scam. he collected 1,500.00 USD from me and refuse to email me since then I was confuse, but God came to my rescue, one faithful day I went to church after the service I share idea with a friend and she introduce me to LEXIE LOAN COMPANY, she said she was given 98,000.00 USD by MR LEXIE , THE MANAGING DIRECTOR OF LEXIE LOAN COMPANY. So I collected his email Address , he told me the rules and regulation and I followed, then after processing of the Documents, he gave me my loan of 55,000.00 USD... So if you are interested in a loan you can as well contact him on this Email: lexieloancompany@yahoo.com or text +1(406) 946-0675 thanks, I am sure he will also help you.
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RispondiEliminaGreetings to everyone, Life they say is full of deceit. No torture and pain can be compare to what i Theresa L. Bernard experience in the hands of scammers, The most annoying part of it is that someone always post of receiving a loan from them which is nothing but lies and strategy to deceive and extort hard earn money from people. I was victimize several times because of that, After reading a post about them i end up trusting them without verifying, I lost more than $12,500 in the quest of obtaining a loan i sold my car defaulted in my bills but i keep on falling victim my life was a piece of trash full of mess. My kids dropped out of school, My bank denied me credit because my credit score was down already about leaving the bank with a broken heart a staff in the bank approach me and say that there is a financial institution called UP START LOAN that say yes even when banks and other financial institution says no. She advised me to give it a try to be honest i was so skeptical leaving the bank without saying a word to her. It was a month later when my eldest son was hospitalized looking up and down nothing to pay for his hospital bill devastated and confused and then i remember what the bank staff told me and i quickly went to the bank to plead with her and inquire on how to contact UP START LOAN and she gave me the details which are Email: ( upstartloan@yahoo.com ) OR call/ text customer service through +1(574) 301-1639 . After following due procedures and comply to their policy in less than 24 hours my credit of $25,000 got approved and transfer to me. I later apply for a home and startup business loan of $350,000 which i receive and i obtain a home at 2076 Simon St, Philadelphia, PA 19124. UP START LOAN is the best. ( upstartloan@yahoo.com or text/call customer service +1(574) 301-1639. Indeed they say yes when your bank and other financial institution says no.//[
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Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Our leading goal is to help you get the services you deserve, Our program is the quickest way to get what you need in a snap. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. Gain flexibility with which you can use for any purpose from vacations, to education, to unique purchases. Interested applicants should Contact us via email: PergoCF@cheerful.com ( PergoCF@qualityservice.com ) PergoCF@gmail.com
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Please, contact us for more information: PergoCF@qualityservice.com ( PergoCF@gmail.com ) PergoCF@cheerful.com
Kindly write us back with the loan information;
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- Loan amount needed:
- Loan Duration:
- Purpose of loan:
- City / Country:
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- How Did You Hear About Us:
If you are interested to get a loan then kindly write us with the loan requirement. Please, contact us for more information: PergoCF@qualityservice.com ( PergoCF@gmail.com ) PergoCF@cheerful.com
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RispondiEliminaAre you a business man or woman? Are you in any financial mess or Do you need funds to start up your own business? Do you need a loan to start a nice Small Scale and medium business? Do you have a low credit score and you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks and other financial institutes?. Interested applicants should Contact us via email: PergoCF@cheerful.com ( PergoCF@qualityservice.com ) PergoCF@gmail.com
Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Our leading goal is to help you get the services you deserve, Our program is the quickest way to get what you need in a snap. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. Gain flexibility with which you can use for any purpose from vacations, to education, to unique purchases. Interested applicants should Contact us via email: PergoCF@cheerful.com ( PergoCF@qualityservice.com ) PergoCF@gmail.com
We offer a wide range of financial services which includes: Business Planning, Commercial and Development Finance, Properties and Mortgages, Debt Consolidation Loans, Business Loans, Private loans, Home Refinancing Loans with low interest rate at 1.00% per annul for individuals, companies and corporate bodies. Get the best for your family and own your dream home as well with our General Loan scheme. Interested applicants should Contact us via email: PergoCF@cheerful.com ( PergoCF@qualityservice.com ) PergoCF@gmail.com
Please, contact us for more information: PergoCF@qualityservice.com ( PergoCF@gmail.com ) PergoCF@cheerful.com
Kindly write us back with the loan information;
- Complete Name:
- Loan amount needed:
- Loan Duration:
- Purpose of loan:
- City / Country:
- Telephone:
- How Did You Hear About Us:
If you are interested to get a loan then kindly write us with the loan requirement. Please, contact us for more information: PergoCF@qualityservice.com ( PergoCF@gmail.com ) PergoCF@cheerful.com
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Ceren Kelly
We look forward to hear from you ASAP
Interested applicants should Contact us via email: PergoCF@cheerful.com
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Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1.0%? Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: SuiteCapitals@gmail.com ( SuiteCapitals@post.com )
We Offers Financial Consulting To Client, Companies Seeking Debt / Loan Financing And Seeking For Working Capital To Start A New Business Or To Expand Existing Business. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: SuiteCapitals@gmail.com ( SuiteCapitals@post.com )
Kindly write us back with the loan information;
- Complete Name:
- Loan amount needed:
- Loan Duration:
- Purpose of loan:
- City / Country:
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Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1.0%? Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: SuiteCapitals@gmail.com ( SuiteCapitals@post.com )
We Offers Financial Consulting To Client, Companies Seeking Debt / Loan Financing And Seeking For Working Capital To Start A New Business Or To Expand Existing Business. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: SuiteCapitals@gmail.com ( SuiteCapitals@post.com )
Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1.0%? Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: PergoCF@cheerful.com ( PergoCF@qualityservice.com ) PergoCF@gmail.com
RispondiEliminaDo You Seek Funds To Pay Off Credits and Debts? PergoCF@cheerful.com ( PergoCF@qualityservice.com ) PergoCF@gmail.com Is Here To Put A Stop To Your Financial Problems. We Offer All Kinds Of Loan (Personal Loan, Commercial Loan, etc.) We Give Out Loan With An Interest Rate Of 1.00%. Interested Applicants Should Contact Us Via Email: PergoCF@cheerful.com ( PergoCF@qualityservice.com ) PergoCF@gmail.com
Please Fill the Application Form Below:
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Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1.0%? Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: PergoCF@cheerful.com ( PergoCF@qualityservice.com ) PergoCF@gmail.com
Do You Seek Funds To Pay Off Credits and Debts? PergoCF@cheerful.com ( PergoCF@qualityservice.com ) PergoCF@gmail.com Is Here To Put A Stop To Your Financial Problems. We Offer All Kinds Of Loan (Personal Loan, Commercial Loan, etc.) We Give Out Loan With An Interest Rate Of 1.00%. Interested Applicants Should Contact Us Via Email: PergoCF@cheerful.com ( PergoCF@qualityservice.com ) PergoCF@gmail.com
Are You A Business Man Or Woman? Are You In Any Financial Mess Or Do You Need Funds To Start Up Your Own Business? Do You Need A Loan To Start A Nice Small Scale And Medium Business? Do You Have A Low Credit Score And You Are Finding It Hard To Obtain Capital Loan From Local Banks And Other Financial Institutes?. - Intermediaries / Consultants / Brokers Are Welcome To Bring Their Clients And Are 100% Protected. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: CYSCredits@Post.com ( CYSCredits@Asia.com )
RispondiEliminaWe Like To Inform You That Our Main Goals Are To Help Companies And Entrepreneurs Raise Their Business To New Heights By Investing, Consulting And Raising Capital Without Bank Lending. We Are Qualified In All Aspects Of Financing, Banks And Asset Based Lending. We Have The Ability To Handle All Aspects Of The Financial Needs And Challenges Of Our Clients, Including; Real Estate Investment And Any Other Large Variety Of Sectors That Need Financing. - Intermediaries / Consultants / Brokers Are Welcome To Bring Their Clients And Are 100% Protected. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: CYSCredits@Post.com ( CYSCredits@Asia.com )
Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1.0%? Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. - Intermediaries / Consultants / Brokers Are Welcome To Bring Their Clients And Are 100% Protected. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: CYSCredits@Post.com ( CYSCredits@Asia.com )
- Complete Name:
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Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1.0%? Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. We Offers Financial Consulting To Client, Companies Seeking Debt / Loan Financing And Seeking For Working Capital To Start A New Business Or To Expand Existing Business. Intermediaries / Consultants / Brokers Are Welcome To Bring Their Clients And Are 100% Protected. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: CYSCredits@Post.com ( CYSCredits@Asia.com )
Are You A Business Man Or Woman? Are You In Any Financial Mess Or Do You Need Funds To Start Up Your Own Business? Do You Need A Loan To Start A Nice Small Scale And Medium Business? Do You Have A Low Credit Score And You Are Finding It Hard To Obtain Capital Loan From Local Banks And Other Financial Institutes?. - Intermediaries / Consultants / Brokers Are Welcome To Bring Their Clients And Are 100% Protected. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: CYSCredits@Post.com ( CYSCredits@Asia.com )
RispondiEliminaWe Like To Inform You That Our Main Goals Are To Help Companies And Entrepreneurs Raise Their Business To New Heights By Investing, Consulting And Raising Capital Without Bank Lending. We Are Qualified In All Aspects Of Financing, Banks And Asset Based Lending. We Have The Ability To Handle All Aspects Of The Financial Needs And Challenges Of Our Clients, Including; Real Estate Investment And Any Other Large Variety Of Sectors That Need Financing. - Intermediaries / Consultants / Brokers Are Welcome To Bring Their Clients And Are 100% Protected. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: CYSCredits@Post.com ( CYSCredits@Asia.com )
Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1.0%? Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. - Intermediaries / Consultants / Brokers Are Welcome To Bring Their Clients And Are 100% Protected. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: CYSCredits@Post.com ( CYSCredits@Asia.com )
- Complete Name:
- Loan amount needed:
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- How Did You Hear About Us:
Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1.0%? Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. We Offers Financial Consulting To Client, Companies Seeking Debt / Loan Financing And Seeking For Working Capital To Start A New Business Or To Expand Existing Business. Intermediaries / Consultants / Brokers Are Welcome To Bring Their Clients And Are 100% Protected. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: CYSCredits@Post.com ( CYSCredits@Asia.com )
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Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1.0%? RMPCapitals@gmail.com ( RMPCapitals@usa.com ) Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via Email: RMPCapitals@gmail.com ( RMPCapitals@usa.com )
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If you have been a victim of scam or know anyone who has been a victim please report this incident to PYTHONAX ✅✅ cause there might still be hopes to getting your money bank from the scammer(s).
PYTHONAX ✅✅ are group of professionals and talented individuals who uses thier skills in hacking ro track down scammers, track down transactions info using Transaction Identification numbers/details, strategy expert to help individuals who have been victims of scam to recover their money from the scammer(s).
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It doesn't matter how or what kinda scam you lost your money too, PYTHONAX ✅✅ guarantees the return of that money if it is still available, your details or identity isn't required, you can be anonymous when you choose to contact PYTHONAX ✅✅ and all that would be required of you would be details that can help them track down the scammer.
Some common scams like-: Cryptocurrency investment scams.❗
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Identity Theft scams.❗
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Use the details for contact-:
Note-: You need to provide necessary details that can be helpful to tracking down the scammers.